Success Stories
"I had knee surgery and the regular CrossFit sessions were difficult for me as I would have needed to scale them a lot.
So, having a personal program gives me the best development in specific movements and workouts.
I love the trainings! It's all programmed around my strengths and weaknesses. It's made for me!"
So, having a personal program gives me the best development in specific movements and workouts.
I love the trainings! It's all programmed around my strengths and weaknesses. It's made for me!"
Tiina, 49
Entrepreneur / CrossFit athlete
"I wanted a new sports-related hobby after some life changes in 2018 and Lucas had an Adaptive CrossFit® program and weekly classes.
In 2019, I took part in this competition, the WheelWOD Open and I ended up qualifying for the competition, the WheelWOD Games in the U.S.A.
In 2021 I qualified in 5th place in the Stage 1 of the same competition but ended up not going to Stage 2.
Regardless, I was so happy to see how much I had improved each year in Lucas' classes.
What's special about Lucas is his skill to make people feel comfortable and the way he creates a joyful atmosphere to every class or session.
He has a long experience with different needs and adaptations and we always found a way to practice skills, technique and strength regardless of my permanent disability.
I was always waiting for our classes and the fun we had!"
In 2019, I took part in this competition, the WheelWOD Open and I ended up qualifying for the competition, the WheelWOD Games in the U.S.A.
In 2021 I qualified in 5th place in the Stage 1 of the same competition but ended up not going to Stage 2.
Regardless, I was so happy to see how much I had improved each year in Lucas' classes.
What's special about Lucas is his skill to make people feel comfortable and the way he creates a joyful atmosphere to every class or session.
He has a long experience with different needs and adaptations and we always found a way to practice skills, technique and strength regardless of my permanent disability.
I was always waiting for our classes and the fun we had!"
Tea, 30
IT Consultant / Adaptive CrossFit Athlete
"Lpsum cras excepturi faucibus, habitant sapien nam vestibulum osuere nihil cupidatat consectetur! Diam sit? Dolor ulehenderit atque quam pharetra"
Alice Griffin
"Dui vulputate posuere suscipit, dictum eaque, senectus maiores sit, platea minima la rep as libero felis expedita minim, sagittis nec! Voluptate diamlo"
Amanda Wells
"Hic nonummy laboriosam ducimus! Tempora iure, veniam doloreearum phasellus! Penatibus augue soluta corrupti! Non de Penatibus"
Ethan Little
"Earum, ac, repellendus. Penatibus reiciendis vehicula netus massa aute pede voluptatem curae! Risus laborum tellus. Hendrerit"
Heather Fowler